Gone Forever

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
A young man wakens from a deep sleep and discovers his parents are gone!
A husband wakes to find that his wife is missing. He rouses everyone in the house to look for her. Her clothes, undisturbed, are found but she is gone!
Three friends, searching for missing relatives, meet in the street. One says that he thinks the resurrection has taken place and that all Christians have been "caught up."
"You can't mean that!" exclaim the others.
"I do; I'm afraid it is too true. But let's go and see if some others are at home. If we find any, we may still be safe."
They go but, to their horror and dismay, these too are all gone.
"Do you know," says the first, "I always intended some day to decide for Christ, but I used to think there would be time enough to turn religious."
"Well," replies the second, "I never paid any attention to that kind of thing. If anyone spoke to me about being saved, I just laughed and told him to be quiet. If I am lost, it is my own fault."
"I never thought it would come to this," says the third. "I used to give those religious guys a wide berth and called them fools. Now it looks like I'm the fool. What can we do?"
Nothing. It's too late. Opportunities to be saved are gone―gone forever!
This is only a picture, but it will be a true one of thousands who have heard the gospel and refused it.
THINK! Not a single prophecy has to be fulfilled before the Lord comes and takes all those who have believed in Him as their Savior. The Lord may come at any moment!
If not, you are in a dreadful position―exposed to being left behind. Remember that when the Lord takes His people out of this world, the door of mercy is closed. The Lord says, NOW, not tomorrow. At any moment the door may be shut.
He still mercifully cries, "He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, HATH everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life." There is nothing to do but simply to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. May the Lord help you to do this before He comes!