"Glory Be to Jesus Christ."

THE French train was speeding along from Paris to Calais, through country that did not produce any points of special interest to those who looked from the windows of the carriages. Among the passengers was a gentleman returning to London after a much needed summer holiday. His thoughts wandered somewhat aimlessly backwards and forwards — backwards over the beautiful scenes he had left behind him, and forwards to the somewhat weary routine of business life that awaited him. But what is this? Suddenly his eye is caught and held fast by a distant perspective, which he would willingly keep within sight, could he but control the engine which hurries him on. Along a bare hill-side he reads quite distinctly these words — “Gloire a Jesus Christ” (Glory be to Jesus Christ). Someone has cut out the turf to form huge letters, and filled them in with white chalk stones, causing the short sentence to be easily read.
“Gloire a Jesus Christ.” Amen, the traveler replies; for he can say from the heart, “Glory be to Jesus Christ.” Can you? What a change of feeling was wrought in him by this one sentence! His thoughts were turned from earth to heaven, and his heart was recalled to the only One who is worthy of honor and praise: by faith he beheld Jesus his Saviour, crowned with glory at God’s right hand in heaven. In spirit he was among the surrounding hosts who can say, “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.”
When Jesus was born into this world, a “multitude of the heavenly host” praised God. When He went back to His Father, His entrance into heaven evoked more praise: “Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in” (Psa. 24). Shall man only be left out of the chorus now? Will not you too join the company of those who can bless His name? The traveler knew His love, and was glad to be reminded of Him; “We love Him, because He first loved us” (1 John 4:1919We love him, because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19)). The French hill-side which some hand had made a silent witness to Him, now called a living witness to worship Him anew.
“Sing, my soul! He loved thee,
Jesus gave Himself for me.”
But alas! there are many who will not and cannot sing this song. Quite lately one said he did not like the atmosphere of heaven which he experienced in a certain house, and that he could not stand so much hymn-singing. Such a one would not be happy in heaven, for Jesus will be chief and center there, and around Him will be the redeemed, who will serve Him day and night in His temple. What an atmosphere! a divine one — and it will be heaven because He is there, though even on this earth during the millennium when He is reigning there will be peace and happiness.
“Joy and peace, like flowers,
Spring up where He doth pass.”
May we all be more and more witnesses — speaking, living witnesses for Jesus, “who hath called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
H. L. H.