"Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread"

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MRS. HILL went into town one day on some errands. On the way back, as she passed a bake shop, she saw some fine big loaves of freshly baked bread which looked very appetizing. Mrs. Hill did not like the bread from the country store very much, so she bought a big loaf and started for home. But soon she found the loaf very heavy to carry with her other packages. Then it started to rain and it was difficult now to hold her umbrella.
At last she got very tired, but she still had quite a long walk to her home. As she passed a house, there was a lady standing at the door. Mrs. Hill approached her and asked, “Please, Ma’am, may I rest a little while in your house?”
“Certainly,” was the glad response and the lady opened the door. It was a very humble abode, but so clean and tidy. The table was spread, but not a morsel of food ‘was to be seen. Then Mrs. Hill spoke, “May I leave this loaf of bread here? I do not want it; it is too heavy for me to carry all the way home.”
“Who gave you my name and address?” asked the other lady.
“Nobody,” said Mrs. Hill. “I do not know anything about you.”
Then the lady said with tears: “Oh, how good is God to give me this nice bread when I have no crust left in the house; and such a big loaf, which will last me for many days. I had asked the Lord to give me my daily bread, and then went outside my door to wait until He would send me something.”
Truly God does take care of those who put their trust in Him, even as the Apostle in prison at Rome could write to those poor saints at Philippi: “But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Phil. 4:19. And even a little child can experience this.
He first proved His love in sending His beloved Son into this world to die upon the cross for our sins, and now He delights to minister to the needs of His own redeemed ones along the way home to the glory. Sometimes He tests our faith and allows us to come to the end of ourselves and our resources, but it is that we might learn the lesson of complete dependence upon Him for everything. He would have us not to be satisfied until we lean no more upon self, this world, or what we possess, but wholly upon His arm of love and power.
And this is the first lesson a sinner learns who comes to God: that he can do nothing to save himself, that he is bound for death and hell, but that he must give himself up to the mercy of God, and learn as Jonah did that “Salvation is of the Lord.” Jonah 2:9.
Has our dear reader learned this lesson yet? Do you know the rest, the peace and the joy of simple trust in Him “that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we could ask or think"? Eph. 3:20.