February 4

Joshua 21:45
“There failed not ought of any good thing which the Lord had spoken unto the house of Israel; all came to pass”— Joshua 21:4545There failed not ought of any good thing which the Lord had spoken unto the house of Israel; all came to pass. (Joshua 21:45).
WHAT a testimony to the faithfulness of God! He fulfilled His word to the letter, whether in grace or in government, as He brought His people through the wilderness and into the promised inheritance. As they looked back they could say, All that God promised He has accomplished.” So shall it be with those who now know Him as revealed in Christ Jesus. When we have ended our pilgrimage and from the vantage-point of our eternal home in the Father’s house we survey the way we have come, we shall praise and adore Him who saved us and guided us to an assured habitation, whose Word has been our confidence through all the journey.
“God, the Lord, shall never fail thee,
He thy cause will undertake:
All the way His hand shall hold thee,
Faithful love can ne’er forsake.
Rest then on His own sure promise.
For His word He cannot break;
To green pastures, by still waters,
He will lead for His name’s sake.
Everlasting joy awaits thee,
When the earthly journey’s o’er;
Waiting for thee in the glory
There are pleasures evermore.”
—F. Buckley.