February 1

Numbers 24:19
EVEN self-seeking Balaam had to confess. “Out of Jacob shall come He that shall have dominion.” It was in the mind of God from the beginning to set up on earth a nation which should be for the display of His glory, and over which the King of His appointing should reign forever. This was confirmed to David and his house. Christ Jesus, of David’s seed through Mary, is the One in whom the promise is fulfilled. As long as Israel walked in obedience to God and in the hope of the fulfillment of His Word, they enjoyed national prosperity and were invincible in warfare. As a typical people they show what God desires to see in any nation to whom His truth is committed. True piety is a bulwark against evil from without and delivers from dissension within.
“He is coming, the ‘Man of Sorrows,’
Now exalted on high;
He is coming with loud hosannas.
In the clouds of the sky.
He shall gather His chosen people,
Who are called by His name;
And the ransomed of ev’ry nation,
For His own He shall claim.”
―Alice Monteith.