Faith's Confidence

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 3
WE will never give thee up, O thou sadly erring one,
Though faster in the downward path thy wayward footsteps roam;
Though harder than an adamant thy steadfast brow be set
In proud rebellion 'gainst thy God, thou'lt come to Jesus yet!
We will never give thee up, though each passing day and hour
Find thee a still more willing slave to Satan's deadly power;
Though tighter, closer round thy life be thrown Sin's iron chain,
Though darker grow thy deeds and words, thee, lost one, will we gain.
We will never give thee up! Though thou hast no heart, nor eye,
Nor ear, but for the reckless mirth of godless revelry—
Though deeper in each vice thou plunge—though thine the scoffer's part,
The drunkard's, swearer's, profligate's-Christ yet shall have thine heart.
We will never give thee up! Though from thee thou shalt cast
All good—though nature's graces all from thy heart have passed—
Though men shall look with pitying scorn, shall tell us of despair,
Call thee a hopeless wreck—e'en then, for thee our God shall care.
We will never give thee up! Though the heavens above like brass
Seem stretched, we know that e'en through them our feeble prayer must pass—
Though earthborn clouds throng dark between, we know the Sun is there,
That it will pierce through them anon: our God will answer prayer.
We will never give thee up! Though our eyes grow dim with tears,
And our hearts are sick with hope deferred in a waste of weary years,
Each ending darker than the last, we will not look at thee,
But whisper still unto our God, Our eyes are unto Thee.
We will never give thee up! Though we faint and weary be,
With throbbing hearts we'll ask our God in confidence for thee;
Yet we know no prayers of ours could stand the blaze of God's white throne,
But Jesus loves to intercede, He'll claim thee as His own.
We will never give thee up! We know the day must come
When thou, a lonely prodigal, shalt seek thy Father's home.
We know not when that day shall be; but as our God is true,
Whate'er we ask, in Jesu's name, that will our Father do.
We will never give thee up! God's sure word is our stay;
Though heaven and earth shall be removed, it cannot pass away.
Hath He not said, "Ask what thou wilt, the answer will I give,”
And think'st thou that He bids us ask, and will not let thee live?
We will never give thee up, O thou sadly erring one!
Morn, noon, and night will intercede, until the prize be won.
Dear wanderer! sadly yearn our hearts; but there's a Heart above
That yearns with deeper tenderness: thou yet shalt know its Love.
K. W.