
Listen from:
YP Address—J.H. Smith
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#2 in the appendix Oh Lord, thy loves unbounded.
So sweet flow, full soul free.
My soul is all transported when air I think on thee #2 in the appendix.
Oh Lord, thy laws under.
When I get to Maharashtra to kickstart Nagpur airport development under PPP model.
Let us consider.
For a little while.
What the word of God tells.
Tells us about.
The eyes.
Psalm 94 and verse 9.
Will be the first reference.
Psalm 94 verse 9.
He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? He that formed the eye shall he not see.
And this we are reminded of.
These wonderful.
Eyes which God created.
One would wish to be able to speak about them as our brother.
Albert Hayhoe could for knowing them so thoroughly and their function.
But I shall only say very little.
He that formed the.
Shall he not see?
God is looking at us.
Right now.
These wonderful eyes that take everything in.
That have their sensitized photoplay, so to speak, the retina, which registers everything and then by means of the optical nerve conveys what is registered there instantaneously.
To the center in the brain where everything is interpreted.
Just as it is.
These eyes that have their camera shutters to adjust themselves to a greater or lesser amount.
Of life automatically.
These eyes.
Therefore a trained position.
Also register a great deal about the physical state.
Of health of the person who they are.
These eyes also that do much more than any camera could possibly do.
These eyes convey looks that can speak violence, that can speak more than words.
Looks that can be read by other eyes and understood.
An infinitely wise creator God could have.
Created these arts and he challenges us on that basis.
He that formed the eye shall he not see.
In the beginning God created the heavens and.
On the earth.
This majestic utterance of holy writ.
Tells us in very few words.
What is the origin of the heavens?
And the earth.
God created them.
The next birth of Genesis, Chapter one says.
And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. Or as it might be rendered, the earth became.
Waste and empty.
This was a subsequent condition into which it fell.
This was not the way in which God originally created it. He created it not a way.
The details we are not given because even if we knew them.
They would not minister to us more life and godliness.
There is a general principle in the word of God that things which would only.
Satisfy the human intellect.
Or curiosity are omitted. God by the Holy Spirit has only caused the sacred writers to record permanently for all ages in his written word that which will be profitable to our soul.
The great cry today.
In cultured circles.
Is done with the God of the Bible and the account.
Of creation and up with the hypothesis.
Unproved of evolution.
In Chile, South America.
There is a very dear brother named.
Louise Enriquez, our young brother Harry Hayhoe, has met him and his family.
He has two children, not much younger than Harry. One day they came home from school and said father.
They are teaching us a new thing.
They're teaching us that.
Men have common ancestry with monkeys.
What about this?
Brother Enrique's reply in these few words, children.
Begets men.
And monkeys. They get monkeys.
The scripture says after his kind, and it is so to this day.
But let there be a misunderstanding.
No one can test the fact that within any given genus or species, God has allowed for almost infinite variation, for example.
We here today are some hundreds of people, but there are no two of us alike.
By selecting breeding, as it is called, animals can be brought.
To a very high state of specialized.
Either for better or for worse.
If you take an old plug, a workhorse.
Breed that animal to a highly spirited stallion whose business is to win horse races and who's so far different from the old farm. Plug that.
It's difficult to say that they really do belong to the same genus. Take them and cross them. Well, what do you get? You just got another horse, that's all.
Maybe a halfway between, but he's still a heart God has laid down irrevocably.
After his time.
No one ever has seen the alleged missing link. There are none. Not long ago, our brother Morris Harrison, in course of his business obligations, was talking with a scientist.
This man said substantially this and he's a man who knows what he is talking about.
Pin down any scientist.
2 facts.
And he will have to admit that intelligent man as we know him today.
Made his appearance upon the earth suddenly.
6 or 7000 years ago.
If what the Bible says about God and creation is not true.
Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Was terribly mistaken.
What? God being true?
But every man a liar?
Now we'll come to the second point.
In Genesis we read while God.
There is.
This can either be for our comfort.
Or our distress?
If we're walking with the Lord, how good it is to know?
Thou God says me.
But if our brain?
Or our hand, Or our eyes. Or our foot.
Is up to mischief. We just don't like to say, oh God, see us.
And what a comfort it is for the child of God to know that the eyes.
Of the Lord.
Are upon the righteous, and his ears are open.
On to their prayer.
Now let it turn on to a motivation going to Matthew's Gospel.
Chapter 6.
And verse 22, Matthew 622 and forward motivation.
The light of the body is the eye, if therefore thine eye be single.
Thy whole body shall be full of life.
But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.
Is therefore the light that is in thee be darkness.
How great is that darkness?
Motivation for a Christian comes from an eye that is single to Christ and his glory.
Such an one says for me to live.
Is Christ.
The heart is not divided.
As the Lord had to complain about his earthly.
But if the light that is in a child of God.
Is darkness.
If the light which he has from God availeth not because of the state of the child of God.
How great is that darkness? Because there is nothing else that can then illuminate.
The heart.
Light obeyed increases light.
Light rejected, bring us night.
Who will give me power to choose?
Is the love of life I lose.
Now let us go on to Second Peter to a man who.
Love the love of light and did not walk in it and see where he ended up Second Peter chapter 2 and.
Verse 9.
Let us read the context.
In verse 4.
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises.
That by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through love, and beside this giving all diligence, and to your faith, virtue, or moral courage, and to virtue, knowledge, and to knowledge, temperance, or self-control, and to temperance, patience, or endurance, and to patients godliness.
And to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness charity.
Or divine love for if these things be in you and abound.
They make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But he that lacketh these things is blind and cannot see a far off, and has forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. This is spiritual.
In contrast with spiritual motivation that comes.
From a single eye and a heart that says for me to live is Christ.
And I press toward the mark for the prize of God's high calling in Christ Jesus.
Now let us go on to spiritual illumination in Ephesians chapter One.
Patient one.
Commencing with birth.
15 The prayer the apostle Paul.
I shall read a little rapidly to save time. Wherefore I also after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the Saints, cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him the eyes of your understanding.
Or more properly, of your heart, the eyes of your heart being enlightened.
That ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance.
In the Saints? And what is the exceeding greatness of His power to us word, who believes according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand.
In the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come and have put all things under His feet.
And gave him to be the head over all things to the Church.
Which is his body, the fullness of him, that filler All in all.
Our God desires that the eyes of our hearts might be illuminated, that this wonderful revelation of His purpose in Christ should become a living reality in our soul.
To know that the Lord Jesus as man has been made head over the universe, all things already in the counsel and purpose of God put under his feet, and he's a head over it all to his church, the bride he is awaiting to take to himself.
The church which is his body, the fullness of him, that fellas All in all, when the eye is single, when the Spirit of God in his is ungrieved, then God can open these eyes to see this wonderful plan and purpose of his Oh God with great delight thy wondrous thoughts.
We see upon His throne in glory bright, the bride of Christ shall be.
This will take us on now.
To contemplation. Second Corinthians chapter 3 and verse 18 Contemplation.
Two Corinthians 3.
I shall read it substantially as it is in the other translations.
But we all with unveiled faith.
In contrast with Moses face that he veiled we all with unveiled faith.
Beholding the glory of the Lord.
Are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Lord.
The Spirit.
When the eye is single.
When it is enlightened and the heart.
Then we can contemplate the glory of the Lord.
With unveiled faith.
The Israelites couldn't look at the face of Moses for the glory.
Let it bore when it came down from the presence of the Lord.
But wait, that is Christians with unveiled faith.
Behold the glory of the Lord.
And it produces A moral transformation in us little by little.
The more we contemplate the glory of the Lord, the more.
Transforming there will be from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
Now all of this is exceedingly.
Disagreeable to the devil.
And he wants to rob us of every bit of it.
Let us turn now to a prayer.
In the.
119th Psalms, Psalm 119.
And verse 37.
Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity.
And quickened all me in thy way.
This is a prayer.
In Spanish for prayer.
We use the word oration, which in English.
Meant to deliver an address.
But in Spanish or ancient is a prayer.
So we shall call this or at the other or a prayer turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity.
These eyes that God has given us.
Are to be subjected to the will of God like every other part.
Of our body.
We were told in First Corinthians to glorify God in our bodies, which is.
His So the son is praised, turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity.
Now somebody capitalized the T and the V in big red letters.
And printed it the whole Psalm printed the whole verse on card.
I happen to receive one of these cards, Key Turn Away Mine Eyes from Beholding.
The vanity.
The Lord has told us.
That we may use the fashion of this world.
But not to abuse it.
I don't suppose that any invention of man.
Is fraught with more danger for the Christians and his children.
Then the television.
Because from the beginning.
The producers of television programs stated that they were going to give the people just what they wanted.
Go without fear of contradiction.
Let us say that the television is.
Under control of the Prince of the power of the air.
And he caters to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.
The scripture says two Timothy that all they that will live godly in Christ Jesus.
Not me, but shall suffer persecution.
Another scripture says by the truth and sell it not.
Another says lead us not into temptation.
The speaker is not capable of facing a television instrument.
Preserve himself from some kind of temptation.
Well, someone may say.
It's a modern means of educating.
Everybody, including our children.
Well, we all like to get the most advantage possible.
For our children.
But we must count the cost.
And remember that it is going to cause us something to buy the truth and not let it go.
The inevitable results of having a television instrument in the hall is.
That it commences to lower the spiritual tongue of the home.
Little by little.
It takes over appetite for the pure.
Sir, milk is a word abate.
The spiritual discernment becomes blunted.
The children's minds that are plastic and formative, like modeling clay, are formed by what is coming over that instrument, rather than being formed morally by the pure milk of the word of God.
I'm reminded of the Arab and his camel.
It was a very cold night in Arabia.
The Arab had gone to bed.
And drawn his.
10th flops together with some chords and the camel. He was shivering outside in the cold.
He saw that the tent door wasn't quite.
Clothes. And so he stuck his head in between two of the.
Tie strings and said to the Arab, It's so cold out here tonight, I hope you won't mind if I just put my head inside your nice warm tent.
So the Arab remained on his couch, and the camel had his head for then.
After a bit, the camel decided that since his head was now so comfortable.
He would move a little farther and being very strong, he just pushed his way through, tie strings or no, and now he was in four feet and shoulders.
And the Arab couldn't do anything about it.
And by and by the camel decided by how nice it is in here, I might as well come all the way. And so he pushed clear into the tent, and pushed the air about the other side.
The television beloved brethren will do just that in the Christian home.
It will push.
The enjoyment of Christ out the back.
I'm a human being like the rest of you. I know that everything is evil that comes over it, but can we afford to take the chance of risking?
Our loss of the enjoyment of the precious love of Christ in our soul, of losing the opportunity to occupy ourselves in service for the Lord by acquainting ourselves with His Word and filling the stone water pots with water, our children, giving them the Word of God, which takes time.
And called for sacrifice. Can we afford it? No, we cannot. I know a gathering in a certain location where sad to say.
There are children.
Who no longer have any heart for the gospel meeting. Their appetite for the gospel has been taken away. They want to get home and see that television program.
Let us go now to South justification.
Proverbs 21 and verse 2.
Proverbs 21 two.
Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord pondres the heart.
All this terrible thing, so justification.
How many excuses I can make for myself?
And those are that situation. Every way of a man is right in his own eyes.
But the Lord ponderous the heart. The Lord is the God of knowledge.
And by him actions are way.
Now we pass on to the book of Joel.
Oh, John 15 verses 11 and 12.
Are the consolations of God's flow with thee? Is there any sacred thing with thee?
Why does thine heart carry thee away? And what?
Do thine eyes wink at?
This supposed to someone?
In a state of evil inclination.
Are the consolations of God's smaller things.
A small appreciation of what the grace of God has done for us.
Of his comfort, like the heathen, the beginning of their downfall was neither were thankful.
Is there any secret thing with these?
The eye is not single now.
Why does thine heart carry thee away?
The hearts departed from the Lord, and what divine eyes wink at.
The expression in the world is very common winking at sin.
This is evil inclination, and this can be the beginning for us, any one of us, young or old, of a terrible downfall when our eyes.
Are winking at something that is not pleasing to the Lord.
Now let us go to our epistle in which we are reading first, John.
To the second chapter.
There we read in verse.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
Here we have temptation, and in three aspects. That which is in the world tempts us as Christians, because we still have the flesh in US.
To the flesh and the lust of the eye and the pride of life. But these are not of the Father, they are of the world.
We go on now from this to a companion scripture.
In the second Peter.
Which shows how.
Lust develops and becomes gross sin in Second Peter Two and verse 14.
Having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease.
From sin.
Beguiling unstable soul and heart, they have exercised with covetous practices, cursed children.
I wish to speak now, not as giving one's personal opinion.
But that.
Mature brothers among us from coast to coast on this continent.
And the Lord give us grace.
To receive.
The expectation.
The scripture speaks about the lust.
The Scripture speaks about the children of God.
Being attired in a manner that does not minister to the lust of the eyes. The fashion of the day is diametrically the opposite, dictated by.
Wicked people.
In wicked perish and wicked wrong they dictate the fashion, but God had his fashion.
Fashion all laid off long ago, and he's never had to change them.
He expects us as children of God.
To use the fashion of the world, but not to abuse it, but when the fashion of the world.
Go to the extreme that it no longer conforms to the limit which God himself sets upon a tire. Then let us obey God rather.
Than man.
Married a verse in the Prophet Haggai.
Verse one of chapter one.
In the second year of Goliath the King, in the sixth month, in the first day of the month came the word of the Lord by Haggai the Prophet, onto Zerubbabel the son of Shaltiel, governor Judah, and the Joshua the son of Joseph Deck the high priest.
The word of the Lord came by the prophet to the governor and to the high priest. Our late brother John Penfield, many years ago call her attention in Southern California to this birth, and he was referring to a state of things among us there which he felt called for admonition. And he read this first and then applied it.
To the leading brothers in the assembly.
We read also in Revelation in chapters 2 and three.
To the Angel of the church at Ephesus, right. To the Angel of the church at Smyrna, right. And so on to all the seven.
The message whether for commendation or correction.
Was addressed to the Angel of the church, but at the end or near the end of each of the seven messages we read.
He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches.
So we would take it that the long hold the leading brother.
In an assembly responsible for the state of things in that assembly.
That it may be for his honor and glory.
And then everybody is responsible also.
That human has an ear to hear. Hear what the Spirit says under the churches.
When we come into the presence of the Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the midst.
Let us remember holiness becometh, I have, O Lord, forever.
Let us remember that God is greatly to be fair in the assembly of the Saints.
And to be had in reverence of all them that are round about him.
In Scripture, the Lord holds the father accountable for his sons and daughters who are under his roof, and he holds the husband who is the head of the wife responsible for her actions.
One believes brother, and it's a judgment of many.
That the time has come.
For a decided stand to be taken by the gathered Saints against the shocking immodesty of feminine attire.
Brothers from 80 years old down to 20 speak about how impossible it is to be occupied with a large when their eyes have to confront an unabashed exposition of feminine pulpit truth.
Let us take it to heart.
If we don't.
Perhaps the Lord may let us reap in His governmental way.
The fruit of our lack of heed to what is modest in the presence of the Lord of glory.
We don't need to dress like monks and none our Salvation Army.
Lessons or Dunkers or Mennonites? No, indeed, we can all be modestly attached without being ridiculous, and leave the minds of all present occupied, not with us, but occupied with the Blessed Lord who says be holy for I and holy.
Now turn to Lamentation.
Lamentation 116 We shall have finished very shortly.
Jeremiah says.
For these things I weep. Mine, I mine, I run us down with water.
Because the comforter that should relieve my soul is far from me. My children are desolate because the enemy prevails. Or what a lamentation from the soul of this prophet of God who had to speak to that people who harden their foreheads and wouldn't listen to him.
He wept. And if we today realize the state into which the Church of God on earth has fallen, we would reap. We would reap too.
My children are desolate because the enemy prevailed.
If we give way and compromise because we fear the reproach.
Of the neighbor. What people are going to say about it? Our children imitate us.
They soon discover that we preach one thing and we practice another, and the word of God has no power at all in their lives, and they become a prey to the enemy.
And now devotion in Jeremiah, the same prophet Jeremiah Chapter 9 and verse.
One I think it is.
All that my head were watered, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the swing of the daughter of my people. Think of the devotedness of this dear prophet of God, who are rejected on all hands, because he loved the Lord's people, because they were the Lord's people. He wept over them, and he would that his head would have found in the waters.
That he might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of his people.
Oh, I read when brethren once came together in such sorrow, apart that the floor of the meeting room was wet with her tears, and another said I'd go a long way to join them. Is that the way we feel about it? Do we have devotion and love for the people of God? If we do, we're going to weep, the Apostle Paul said to the Ephesian elders. Remember that.
By the space of three years, I cease not to warn everyone night and day with tears. He was devoted to the people of God and for the climax. Now we'll turn to Isaiah 33.
Isaiah 33 and verse 17.
There was a sister, quite ancient, who visited the optometrist and he said I'm sorry lady, but I can do no more to hinder the deterioration of your eyesight. I've done all that I possibly can and I don't want to take your money and promise you something that I cannot fulfill. She went home very disheartened and rather than wait till the next day to see what the the calendar verse was.
She got up close to it with her poor eyes, tore off the preceding day to slip and read this verse. Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty Wasn't that lovely?
Gone on to see the king in his beauty and we're soon going. This is coronation.
Our glorification We're going on to meet the Lord Jesus, to see the King in his beauty forever to behold him shine forever more, to call him lion and see him still before me forever on his face, to gaze and meet the full assembled rage for all his brightness God displays to all his Saints in glory.
Shall we pray?