Extracts From Letters Written on the Dying Couch.

“I THINK I am learning more and more of the reality of having to do with God. It is in the wilderness we learn the resources of our God, as well as what our own poor hearts are, and it is only when we know rightly what we are, that we can learn what God is for us; and I am sure it is a wondrously blessed thing to be in God’s school, learning there, whatever the cost to nature.
“Oh, to come to Paul’s experience, ‘to me to live is Christ.’ This is what I covet! I am sure when we reach eternity we shall wonder how we could have been so much occupied on earth with the things that are ‘passing away,’ ‘that perish with the using,’ and so little with those things which are abiding, and which have eternal results.
“May we each, dearest M., at this commencement of another year, gird up afresh the loins of our mind to run with patience the race that is set before us, ‘looking unto Jesus.’ I do not mean making resolutions as to doing better in our Christian course, that always fails, and leaves us farther off and farther behind than ever. Without Him we can do nothing! It is simple looking to Jesus we want; clinging to Him; going to Him straight with everything; sitting at His feet, finding our only resting-place there; delighting in His perfections; reposing in His deep, tender, unutterable love―love which went out after us when we were enemies, love which was satisfied with nothing less than bringing us from death and ruin and degradation to the Father’s house, to the Father’s table; not servants, but children, ‘and if children, then heirs, heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ.’ And what does this mean?
“How many things combine to say ‘The coming of the Lord draweth nigh’; one seems to be constantly reminded of it on all hands! Would that saints everywhere were ready; would that we were all more earnest in seeking to gather in souls to Jesus while the day of grace lingers on, as well as, with girded loins, to follow diligently in the footprints of Him, who in all things left us an example that we should follow in His steps.
“I am glad that you are more willing to wait for the Lord. For my own part, though the thought of seeing our precious Lord Jesus nearly breaks me down in an ecstasy of delight, I do so feel the privilege of doing anything for Him here, and the blessedness of bowing down to the good, and perfect, and loving will of God our Father, that I was thinking only a few days ago, I cannot even say I am in a strait, for I have nothing to choose. It is so blessed to have everything arranged for us by infinite love, is it not―to have nothing to do but to rest in that love, and daily to be learning more of its heights and depths? Oh, the marvelous grace of our God!... How bright, how lovely will be the mansions of the Father’s house after such a place of sojourn as this! I am sure the Lord gives special comfort under special trials. None but Himself knows what our daily trials are, but it is enough that He knows.”