"Even So; Come, Lord Jesus"

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
Holy! Holy! Holy Lord!
Eternal Father, Spirit, Word,
To Thee be praise and glory given,
By all on earth and all in heaven.
Let the glad earth commence the song;
Ye angel choirs, the notes prolong:
Join, saints and seraphim, to raise
An anthem of exalted praise.
Come, Saviour! Come, assume thy sway,
Let earth’s remotest realms obey; ‘Tis thine,
Ο Lord, thy blood-bought right,
O’er the dark world to pour the light.
Creation groans, with travail press’d,
Waiting her promised days of rest,
When every power on earth shall bow
Before the Saviour’s kingly brow.
On thy blest brow still, Saviour, wear
The crown thy foes once planted there;
For every thorn shall be a gem
Brighter than earth’s best diadem.
Thy Church, with outstretch’d, longing eyes,
Looks up to see the dawn arise;
And ready waits to bow the knee,
And hail her Lord, Ο Christ, in THEE!
S. T. W.