Do Angels Sing?

Table of Contents

1. Haven: God Never Allows
2. Do Angels Sing?

Haven: God Never Allows

God never allows the enemy to gain power over us, unless it is a judicial result of our own failure. He never allows us to be brought under the power of evil, unless there has been a primary state of soul departing from Himself. The weakest, the most ignorant believer will be kept from the wiles and power of the enemy so long as the heart is true and loyal to Christ. We need to be true and faithful, and have the conscience open to the enlightenment of the Word and the Spirit of God.
Just as surely as a child of God is abiding in quietness at the feet of Jesus and hearing His Word, not all the power and malice and cunning of Satan can succeed in drawing him away.

Do Angels Sing?

When the Lamb comes out (Rev. 5), the elders sing (not "sung") a new song. Notice that the angels never sing. People make them sing, but they never do in Scripture. Angels shout and cry, but there is only one note found with them. Man has all kinds of infirmities, but he can be tuned; it takes such as man to be tuned. The angels shout and praise, and that is lovely. And they stand. And at the tomb, two angels sat. But these elders sing a new song.
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