Deliverance; Exercises and Ground of Peace

Romans 7:18  •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 7
You will perhaps recollect one who went up in the train from E. to D., now about a year ago, or not far from it, and be surprised perhaps to receive a letter from him from Canada. But though I have been much occupied -as you may suppose I did not cross the Atlantic for nothing- I have not forgotten our conversation in the train, and I crave to hear how you are getting on. We have had here the Governor of the Jail1 fully brought to the knowledge of salvation, and to walk with the saints of God, as he still does. (He would still like another place, but awaits the Lord's leading to find him something.) His dear wife, already a believer, was led to see she ought to be more entirely separate from the world and live more devotedly, and so she did thoroughly, and the Lord has taken her. She expected it, and was longing to go. No cloud came over her peace and joy. She suffered dreadfully and long, but no impatience was shown; all was bright and all peace. She left four children, charming little ones; we had them in the house where I was, to spare the nurse while she was ill. She saw them, gave them her blessing, and bade farewell, but it raised no lingering look behind. Another dear old man, only six months converted, died just after, rejoicing with all his heart. We buried both not far apart in the deep, deep snow, which indeed kept the earth soft enough to be opened (for sometimes they cannot bury), committing them to Christ till the resurrection.
And now how would it be with you if thus called? Is all peace and right with God? You know yourself that you need it. You know that Christ is the only way to have it. Let me add a few words as to the fullness of it. He appeared once in the end of the world to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. That work is finished. It can never be added to, nor taken away from. Its value does not change. But the Spirit of God works in us to shew us our need of it, makes us see that we are sinners, that we are lost in ourselves, leads us (perhaps by deep and painful convictions) to the sense that there is no good in us, that when even to will is present with us, how to perform that which is good we find not. We find not only that we have sinned, but that there is a law of sin in our members warring against the law of our mind, and bringing us into captivity to the law of sin in our members. But when-really humbled about this and convicted in our own hearts, removing all pretensions of righteousness in ourselves—we turn to Christ, we find that He has died for this, that He has been a sacrifice for sin as for the sins that burdened us—has been made sin for us, has put it away for us by the sacrifice of Himself.
Thus we get peace and liberty of heart before God, because the sin is put away between us and Him; Christ has made a full expiation. Sin does not exist as between God and us. When He looks on the blood of Christ He cannot see sin in the believer, because when Christ shed that blood He put it away. Thus we get liberty and power too, because submitting thus to the righteousness of God, having Christ for our righteousness, we are sealed with the Spirit, which gives us power and shows us Christ, so that we get strength and joy, and are able to glorify Him.
How is it then with you? Are you still a worse prisoner than those you are watching over, or freed by the redemption that is in Christ? Have you been brought to see, that if you refuse life through His name you must perish? Do you seek that you should know Him, or are you joining with His enemies—hail-fellow-well-met with the world that to its judgment and ruin crucified Him? If we have His Spirit we know that we are in Him, and all is peace and joy too, because we know the Son of God and abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost. I shall be glad to hear from you. May the blessed Lord in His grace direct your eye fixedly on Christ.
Ever truly yours in Christ.
I am here for the Lord's work, and have found a great deal to interest me. The Lord willing, I shall be back some time in summer.
May, 1863.
1. Governor of a jail. "I was speaking to him about his soul, and he asked me to write to him."