December 19

Revelation 19:17
“I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God” ―Revelation 19:17.
THERE are two suppers in this stirring chapter. In the earlier part we have the marriage of the Lamb—the supper of grace. Now we are called to consider the great supper of God—the supper of judgment. When the Lord descends to the earth at His second advent He will destroy with the brightness of His coming the armies of evil arrayed against Him and His followers. The carcasses of these men and their beasts are to provide a carrion feast for the birds of prey who shall be summoned to consume them. Thus will the last foes of God and of His Church be destroyed, and so the way prepared for the establishment of the kingdom of God upon earth.
Millions of saints have prayed, and millions still pray, “Thy kingdom come”; and we look forward with great longing for the day when God’s will shall be done on earth as it is done in heaven. When the Son of Man returns, our prayers will all be answered.
“‘Twill not be long—this time of lonely waiting;
God keeps His tryst—the promised hour is near.
Soon shall there burst from startled skies the wonder
Of that glad, quickening shout, ‘The Lord is here!’
Oh, joyous day—sweet secret of His planning,
Not even shared with those about the throne.
Do wondering angels sometimes whisper softly,
Perhaps today—He’ll go to claim His own!”
—Mrs. Donald A. Dey.