Dead With Christ; New Translation; Romans and Ephesians Compared; Translation Work

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I did begin a letter to you, which remained half finished, and journeyings, "Guelph" meetings, and study-labor when in London for a new edition of my Translation, left it half a letter. The old edition renewed several times in parts was exhausted, and I wanted to get the new ready before I left England, to say nothing of lecturing pretty much every evening. My work has been somewhat unusual, but I have felt the Lord renewedly with me, and this accompanied, as I doubt not you will have heard with a renewed desire to hear, a majority of men, people unable to get in at our largest rooms, I trust blessing, an increased feeling of everything's closing in-that is certain, as things are going at a rapid pace in England in the sense of revolution- nothing new to myself; I think a great deal less about it, occupied with a kingdom that cannot be moved.
What I tloinlr characterized the teaching, though of course various, was our being dead with Christ, besides putting away the sins of the old man, so as to belong to a wholly new scene. The division of Romans is at chapter v. 11-before that sins, after it sin, and dying with Christ for deliverance, not pardon. I have been interested in seeing that in Romans we do not (though recognized de facto as in Christ-chap. viii. 1) get beyond death with, and life through. In Colossians we have death with and resurrection with, man being seen as also dead in sin, and then we risen with Christ who had come down to death, bearing our sins and putting them away. Here the saint is seen on earth, his hope laid up in heaven, his affections to be there-the Holy Ghost is not the subject. In Ephesians he is not seen alive in sin and dying with Christ, but dead in sin, risen with Christ, and sitting in heavenly places in Christ, completing the instruction for our place in this world. Here the Holy Ghost is fully developed-in Colossians, life. This series has interested me.
Philippians gives fully the life of the Christian down here in the power of the Spirit of God-he is on his journey. In Colossians we have the display of the new man, Christ indeed being the pattern. In Ephesians God Himself (manifested in Christ) the model of our walk. Other points in the Hebrews are now before my mind, but not sufficiently ascertained to write about. I have been struck too how what are called Catholic Epistles contemplate, all, the last days as a present thing You have prophecies in others.
God has raised up several laborers in England and Ireland, and Scotland is opened in a way it never was before. It is striking to see these young officers, as many of them were termed. On the whole, we have much to be thankful for: a certain number too of Bethesda wanderers have returned. There is union and affection among the brethren-here and there in detail, a need of worldliness being corrected, and there have been some afflicting cases of immorality (for I would give you a true picture) as to which discipline has been exercised, but which are humbling and painful France and Germany complain of my not having gone there. When I went to America I thought I had pretty much finished there, but they would yet see me, and I owe them much. I do not know whether I shall be able to be in Canada this year. But I am rather stronger than heretofore, though I grow old-now in my sixtyninth year-and I am greatly attached to America now, and the.vork there; if I have strength shall rejoice to visit them again. But who knows what the morrow will bring forth? The blessed Lord may come (how longed-for He only knows), or my course be finished, and the work left to younger ones hereto Him to whom it belongs. I am happy in going to the West Indies: anything but pleasant to the flesh, but due to the brethren there, and the Lord's will, so that I am very happy in doing it. It is not a field of labor exactly. Still there are those who have labored faithfully there, and we must gather up the fragments that nothing may be lost. And then I wait His will further.
In Germany and Holland there is much progress, and Spain is now open. We get happy accounts of New York. The Lord is working certainly, and I bless Him for it,—something discouraged at Boston, but what is there is very solid. Did I return that way, I should wish to devote a little time to it: I have not hitherto, though occasionally there. There is inquiry, but in detail, and few have patience to work that, yet it often begins so and solidly. Activity on the general mass in such cases comes after. Such work as Ottawa and Quebec is quite as difficult to go on with afterward, though if the Lord be there all is well, and will go on. I dread narrowness, but I love distinctness of position.
Little I admit is done, but surely we have much to be thankful for, such as we are. My heart is with you, beloved brother, in the work. May He keep your own soul very near Himself. That is life and strength. We have a plain path; may we know how to walk in it with His strength. What is eternal alone is; but our path here connects with it. It is a strange connection, yet, when Christ is in it, simple and all one.
My kindest affection to all the beloved saints. My writing always bad enough—now with a pretty heavy swell, but, with one rough night, all well.
Ever affectionately yours,
With many prayers.
Dated Douro,
November 20th, 1868.