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3. G. S., Went worth. “Could we say from the word of God that all Christians will be taken up when the Lord comes, even though they may be walking in the most worldly manner; or can it be applied only to a waiting people, and to those that look and long for His appearing?”
There is no doubt that all Christians will be taken up, whether those that sleep in Jesus, or those who are alive and remain until He comes. (1 Thess. 4:14-17; 1 Cor. 15:23.) But the question is, Who are Christians? Christians, according to scripture, are not found mixed up with all kinds of worldliness. They are not of the world even as He is not of the world. No matter what a man professes to be, if practicing unrighteousness, he is of the devil. See 1 John 2:29; 3:7, 9, 10.
The Christian in scripture is regarded as waiting for the Lord. (Phil. 3:20, 21; 1 Thess. 1:10; 2:19.) And loving His appearing (2 Tim. 4:8); looking for it (Titus 2:13; Heb. 9:28), and keeping the word of His patience. (Rev. 3:10.)
Further, great numbers who pass for Christians with men, and who profess to be such, will be shut out. (Matt. 25:11-12.) Solemn words! Jesus will say, “Verily, I say unto you, I know you not.” Many, yes, “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name?.... And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” (Matt. 7:22, 23.) We must not then suppose that worldly Christians will be left behind; but that worldly professors will be left, shut out forever.
May not the blessed hope of the Bridegroom’s return, restored to us in these last days, be used by the Spirit already to separate the true from the false? “And the Spirit and the bride say, Come.” (Rev. 22:17.) “The bride” will include every true Christian. And the Spirit is moving the hearts of all such to say, “Come.” Do you meet a mere professor who says, The coming of Christ is nothing to me? No, his heart is engrossed in politics, pleasure, or worldly gain. He may be a powerful preacher, with fiery eloquence; he may lead thousands to popery or into infidelity; but could you say from scripture that he is a worldly Christian? Satan is leading off his companies, and the Spirit is leading the bride to say “Come.” Every day shows that you cannot depend on profession: blessed be God! we can depend on His word, and the guidance of the Holy Ghost.
4. Enquirer, Salisbury. Rev. 22:11 may be applied to either the close of the present time, or after the church is taken to be with the Lord. To us it speaks now, and it is most solemn. A fearful change is coming over mankind. The inspiration and authority of the word of God is boldly denied by many, pretending at the same time to be Christians; dishonesty and unrighteousness are defended; cruelty, robbery, and murder cease to be regarded as crimes; to pay honest debts is to do so at the risk of men’s lives, At such a time we hear the words: “And he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still” And for our comfort at such a time it is added, “And behold, I come quickly.” Human society is fast becoming unmanageable. Soon it will be as it was in the days of Noah.
5. J. C, New Herring ton. “For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.” (Col. 3:8.) This is not the thought of union with Christ, or of the believer’s security in Christ; but the very peculiar position in which the believer is at present. As to the life of the flesh, that to which sin is attached, and that to which all ordinances are addressed—to man as alive in that sinful flesh, to all this the believer is dead. This is what the Colossians in their day, and we in our day, again, need to know; and if we do not know this, Satan will get an advantage by leading us to ordinances for the improvement of sinful flesh. We have not to die to it or kill it by ordinances and mortifications. We are dead with Christ. This is the great remedy for present delusions, gathered largely from heathenism. But then we are in this peculiar position for the present: as to our own sinful life we are dead to it, and our new life is not yet manifested, but hidden, just as Christ is at present hid in God—quite sure and safe, but hidden, soon to be revealed. “When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.” And mark, whilst waiting for this we are to mortify everything of the old life of sin in the flesh. It is still there, but we are dead, and therefore must not seek to live that life at all. Do not forget that our true life in Christ is not yet revealed, does not appear, though we have it and enjoy it.
6. W. J., Bangor. How are we to know the Lord’s guidance? There are scriptures, such as Acts 8:26, 29; 10:8, 7; 12:8; 13:2; 16:6, 10; &a, in which the Lord spake very distinctly to His servants, and gave them divine Instructions, where they were to go, and what they were to do. We must also remember that in those early days of the church there was real faith in the presence of the Holy Ghost on earth. No one ever thought then of praying for the Holy Spirit. And no one then ever thought of taking the place of the Holy Spirit, as a pope, or a president, amongst the saints.
Now this kept the saints in the hourly expectation of the Spirit’s real guidance. How different now, is it not? It is also true, as you say, that we have not a scripture to say whether we are to go to this place or that to preach the gospel. There is the general principle to preach the gospel to every creature. I have just published “The Way the Lord hath led me.” My chief object in that little volume was to lead souls to have to do with God in this very matter. Very much depends on real faith in the personal presence of the Holy Ghost on earth. I do not say it is a voice; but to you it should be exactly as if a voice spake to you. The little volume is just an answer to your question. I send it you.
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