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40. “L. E. D.,” Gravesend. Accept our warmest thanks for your most delightful letter. It has greatly refreshed and encouraged us. May the dear Lord abundantly bless you!
41. “H. G. B.,” London. An intelligent worshipper will always address God in the character and by the name in which He is pleased to reveal Himself. His name to us is “Father.” True, the One who is our Father was and is “the God of Jacob,” “the Almighty God,” “Jehovah;” but to us He is Father. Precious title! May we ever live in the sunlight of His countenance!
42. “E. S.,” Brixton Hill. 1 Pet. 2:12 teaches us that, however worldly people may speak against the children of God, yet when any trouble comes upon them—any “visitation” from the hand of God, they will glorify Him by turning for help and sympathy to the very persons whom they once despised.
43. “J. J.,” Montreal. “The Lord’s body,” in 1 Cor. 11:29, is His body given for us. This some of the Christians at Corinth failed to discern.
44. “J. L. M.,” Leeds. We believe the word of God and the living example of our Lord Jesus Christ both teach us that, when called upon by a judge or a magistrate, we should give evidence on oath. (Lev. 5:1; Matt. 26:63, 64.) The expression “Swear not at all” refers, we believe, to our ordinary intercourse. But of course each one must act in this matter according to his light.
45. “E.W.,” Folkestone. We regret not being able to give you the desired information. You might write to our publisher.
46. “H. S.,” Regent’s Park. “Born of water” refers to the word of God. Compare 1 Pet. 1:23; Jas. 1:18. You will find “ A letter to a friend on Heb. 6 in our fourth volume, page 25.
47. “R. H.,” Linlithgow. The cases of Achan and Ananias and Sapphira are clearly distinguished from the others which you name, by the fact that theirs was sin affecting the assembly—the place of God’s presence. They were ostensibly members of the congregation of God, in recognized relationship with Him. Compare 1 Pet. 4:17.
48. “W. T. G.” Your question is hardly in our line. As to the general principle, it is very plain that the Lord’s table is spread on the ground of the one body. But, as you say, in days like these, there is great need of holy caution and prayerful waiting on God for guidance in each case as it arises.
49. “Scholar.” The term “kingdom of heaven” and “kingdom of God” are sometimes, not always, interchangeable. The context will fix the import in each instance.
50. “J. L.,” Holt. Your letter has come to hand. We do not feel called of God to take up the subject to which you refer.
51. “Alise.” There are thousands of quickened souls who have not found in Christ a satisfying portion for their hearts. This is what is meant by the expression to which you call our attention. Jesus says, “Come unto me and I will give you rest.” Now, if a person has not rest, how can he be said to have really come to Jesus? What we understand by coming to Jesus is, finding in Him a perfect covering for the eyes, and a satisfying portion for the heart. How very few, comparatively, even of God’s dear children, know the deep blessedness of this. They are occupied with themselves, and reasoning on what they find there, instead of simply resting in Christ. The grand cure for a legal mind, a morbid conscience, and a self-occupied heart, is to have a full Christ before us. His work for the conscience—His person for the heart—His word for the path. May all God’s dear people know the reality and power of these things! We believe most surely that herein lies the grand secret of peace and progress in these days of unrest and unreality.