Christ Is the Test of Love

Table of Contents

1. Christ Is the Test of Love

Christ Is the Test of Love

There is nothing to be more cordially abhorred than the pretense of love and unity being used to dishonor Him who is the center, life, and sole object and title of it. There is no devil so bad as the devil who clothes himself with charity. It is the spirit of the day—latitudinarianism. "Charity is the bond of perfectness," but Christ is the test of this, as of all else, and He makes it so. "The poor ye have always with you, and me ye have not always." Thus we must judge—judge, I mean our own conduct.... Local unity, founded on abandonment or indifference to the truth, is a miserable hostility (in sparing oneself) to gathering with Christ, the only true and universal unity I do not know what is meant by unity,
if the foundations of all unity that is worth anything are denied. From The Girdle of Truth, vol. 3, p. 444 (1857)
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