China, Russia, and Satan's Man: The Editor's Column

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The restless tossings and heavings of the nations remind us of a verse in Isaiah 57: "The wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt." v. 20. The world generally is in commotion, while men vainly seek peace and security.
In recent months Communist China has advanced her frontiers farther toward the southeast, as the Tachen and other islands were given to her rather than risk an international war which many now feel would bring about the end of civilization as it is known. Men have real cause to fear another great war, for the fertile brain of man which has resisted the truth of God has brought forth incredible weapons of destruction.
There is no reason to believe that Red China will have her voracious appetite satisfied by throwing a little more real estate to her. It reminds us of a friend who confronted a bear out in the wild country. He was supplied with some chocolate, and he knew that bears liked it, so he tossed some to the hungry creature, but the bear just came on for more; the more he got, the more he wanted. The few Communist leaders who sallied forth from their hideaway in a river-bank cave on the Yen River in Chensi Province about seven years ago have conquered more land and subjugated more people than was ever done before in such a short time. Even the great nation of India has veered toward the Communist world, and its leaders have been very laudatory of the Communists, their manners, aims, and goal. Communism is entrenched just across India's borders, through China's conquest of Tibet, and this Marxian ideology is steadily infiltrating the hungry masses of that populous Asian nation.
The ousting of Premier Malenkov in Russia is another sign portending more trouble for the world. He represented a faction which was ruthless, but considerably nationalistic. He and his clique were willing for a period of co-existence with the West, but the new ruling powers are of the old
Communist pattern which is devoted to the expansion of and eventual world domination by Moscow-dictated Communism. This means more aggressive action by China, and fresh trouble here and there, wherever Moscow can foment trouble and gain an advantage. It can be expected to break out anywhere, and in all likelihood Russia and China together will continue to advance the outposts of their dictator-directed Communism in many places.
But Christians can calmly and confidently behold the tossings of the nations, knowing that the boisterous waves are but fulfilling their Father's will. His beloved Son was once cast out of this world, and there is to be no peace until that same One comes to execute judgment, to "dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel," and to set up His kingdom and rule in righteousness. The great men of the world vainly imagine that they are directing affairs, but they are only carrying out God's purposes. Every fresh advance of the world Communist forces but brings the day nearer when the Western alliance of ten nations shall form the Roman Empire under "the beast." Each new Communist conquest helps to crystallize Western opinion and opposition, until at length, at the right moment, the great federation will come into being. The groundwork is all laid, and the constant proddings of Russia, her satellites, and her co-partner China will force the West to unite.
The inner weakness of France, with the constant governmental crises, is but a mark of the general trend, showing that there are not many great men in the West, and a superman is needed, humanly speaking. The non-Communist world will welcome him with open arms when he comes on the scene with a plan to create a balance of power that will be able to stop all Communist expansion. This man will be honored, and finally deified- worshiped as God-but it will be Satan's man, not God's. The more tensions and weakness which develop will only increase the inner yearnings for a man" speaking great things, and with a look more stout than his fellows (Dan. 7:2020And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows. (Daniel 7:20)).
The Moslem world is in a state of flux, with several countries trying to control a league of Moslem nations. Turkey and Iraq have just completed an alliance, but this is distasteful to other Moslem nations, and Egypt wants no part in it. However, out of all the unrest and agitation of the Near East will come another great man, "a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences" (Dan. 8:2323And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. (Daniel 8:23)). He will be what Scripture calls, "the Assyrian," or "king of the north"; he will be the implacable foe of the Jews in Palestine, and will be God's scourge against them for their unholy alliance with the beast of the Roman Empire, and for their apostasy.
So we see in the unrest and tossings of the nations the great preparation for the very things that have been foretold for many centuries; whether we look at Russia, or China, Western Europe with the Powers of the Western Hemisphere, the Near East of Asia, or Egypt, all are producing mixtures which will crystallize in proper sequence.
And what is withholding that these things have not taken place? It is the longsuffering of God who is waiting on poor lost men to believe the gospel. God has foretold that judgment will come on this Christ-rejecting world, but "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering to us ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." 2 Pet. 3:99The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9). But when we see things shaping up very fast for the end, should we not confidently look up expecting that at any moment we shall hear His shout and be caught up to meet Him in the air? And as soon as we, with the Spirit of God, have left the scene, the conditions for the end of "man's day" will mature with lightning rapidity.
The recent turnover of power at the very top in Russia gives room for some serious meditation. How men strive for power! The men of the Kremlin know what power is as was never known before. Yet how short-lived it all is. If the head that wears the crown lies uneasy, how much more the head of a dictator! Just think of what has happened in our days to dictators-in Russia, in Germany, in Italy.
Think of all those who have fallen since Czar Nicholas II of Russia was slain in the revolution of 1917; and the struggle still goes on. This is nothing new; the dictators of the old Roman Empire of the East for the most part fell victims of tragedy and foul play. When Emperor Constantine the Great made Constantinople (Byzantium) his capital in about 330 A.D., the Eastern or Byzantine Empire continued there, and of 107 persons who ruled it from 395 to 1453 A.D. as emperors or associates, 20 were assassinated, 18 were blinded or otherwise mutilated, 12 died in confinement or prison, 12 abdicated, 3 died of starvation, 8 died in battle or in accident. This left only 34 of these (generally despotic) rulers to die natural deaths or finish their reigns.
Truly the Christian has the better part in this world, and in the world to come. The devil is a bad paymaster, and deceives his dupes. He met Judas' lust for money with the suggestion that he could gain thirty pieces of silver by selling his Lord and then, when that traitorous act had been committed, he left Judas to his remorse and a fate of endless torment. He has led many persons on by appealing to their lust for money, power, or pleasure, only to leave them to regret and remorse when it failed.
How good it is to be a Christian! and better yet to live as one, in loving response to Him who loves us and died for us. Soon every little bit of faithfulness to Christ will be rewarded.
" 'A little while'—He'll come again;
Let us the precious hours redeem;
Our only grief to give Him pain,
Our joy to serve and follow Him.
Watching and ready may we be,
As those that wait their Lord to see.
" 'A little while'—'twill soon be past,
Why should we shun the promised cross?
O let us in His footsteps haste,
Counting for Him all else but loss;
For how will recompense His smile,
The sufferings of this 'little while.' "
*The contents of this column in November, 1954 are now available from the publishers in separate pamphlet form entitled, "A Look at Modern Evangelistic Methods," at 6 cents each, or 65 cents per dozen.