Chiefest Among Ten Thousand

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 1
WHEN first I heard of Jesus' name,
I only then for refuge came:
I heard that He for sinners died-
And from His pierced and wounded side
Had How'd the water and the blood-
To bring the sinner near to God.
I found Him meet my every need,
That He a Savior was indeed;
By Him my every want supplied,
Whene'er I have to Him applied.
Of grace, the storehouse full and free,
All fullness dwells in Him for me.
But, oh! I have such glories viewed
In Him who as my surety stood;
Such beauties, human and divine,
In all His words and actions shine,
That now I sing, with rapturous heart,
"Thou altogether lovely art."
And all He is, He is for me!
So meek in all His majesty,
So tender in Almightiness,
So sympathizing in distress,
So liberal-all He has He gave,
Yea, e'en Himself, my soul to save!
It is not terror makes me flee,
Savior of sinners, Lord, to Thee;
Thy excellencies me constrain
To seek Thee as my greater gain;
Thy presence, my eternal home,
Come, blessed Lord, oh quickly come!