Book Review: Selected Articles From the Collected Writings of J. N. Darby

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 11
In Volume 20 of Mr. Darby’s Collected Writings there is an excellent and very readable article titled, “Churches and the Church.” Though written over 100 years ago, in our present day of spiritual coldness, weakness and confusion regarding the assembly (church) of God in this world and its local expression, this article is especially timely.
Mr. Darby takes up the scriptural truth of “the church” as the body of Christ, the habitation of God, by the Spirit. He then considers the “local churches” and how the gifts of the ascended Christ to His church affect these “local expressions” of His body.
We earnestly encourage our readers to carefully and prayerfully read this excellent article.
We also recommend the whole of Volume 21 of the Collected Writings. This lovely volume contains 56 articles many from addresses and gospel messages—which are full of edification and comfort. All are very readable and very helpful.
One article, “Lost or Saved,” is a searching gospel address from Acts 26. Another, a personal favorite, is titled, “The Panoply [Armor] of God,” a sweet and helpful meditation on Ephesians 6. Along with Volume 16, we recommend Volume 21 as an excellent addition to the believer’s library.