Bible Questions for October

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The Children’s Class
1.“Call no man your father upon the earth.”
2.“Be ye also ready.”
3.“All they that take the sword.”
4.“Of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
5.“Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures.”
6.“He goeth before you into Galilee.”
7.“To give His life a ransom.”
The Young People’s Class Doctrine
We find many dear souls today who do not know anything more than the simple gospel. They know that their sins are forgiven and that they are saved, but they never make any real progress in the truth. We rejoice unfeignedly that they are saved, but when we see the confusion of Christendom. and the many “winds of doctrine”. in the religious world today, we feel afresh the great need that those who are young should be “established in the present truth.” 2 Peter 1:12.
An ascended Christ has given gifts “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ” (Eph. 4:12) and it is through these gifts in the assembly that the lambs of the flock are fed and established.
When Saul of Tars-us was saved, he immediately asked, “Lord, what, wilt Thou have me to do?” This is the normal desire of a new-born child of God and shows a healthy state of soul. When once we find the place and path the Lord has chosen (for He has promised “Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them,” Matt. 18:20) there we will find the Word of God rightly divided and food for the soul. There we can learn the doctrines which will keep us from the thoughts and ideas of men which have intruded so largely into Christendom today. One feels very much that there never was a greater need than there is today of being well established in “the doctrine which is according to godliness.” 1 Tim. 6:3.
1.Where is the sure place to get (sound) doctrine? 2 Timothy.
2.If one is really willing to do the will of God, can he know of the doctrine? John.
3.How can a servant adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour? Titus.
4.Where did the Pharisees and scribes get their doctrines? Mark.
5.Does God tell us that people will want sound doctrine in the last days? 2 Timothy.
6.What kind of doctrines does the Spirit warn us will be prevalent in the latter times? 1 Timothy.
7.Should we invite into our homes those who bring false doctrine of to the person of Christ? 2 John.
ML 10/01/1950