Bible Questions for March

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The Children’s Class
See how many verses you can find in Psalms and Proverbs containing the words, “The fear of the Lord.”
1. Whose word endureth forever?
2. By whose stripes are we healed?
3. Whose ears are open to the prayers of the righteous?
4. Should we rejoice if called to suffer for Christ’s sake?
5. Do we have an adversary who seeks to devour us?
6. Can the Lord deliver His own out of temptations?
7. Is the Lord willing that ALL should come to repentance?
The Young People’s Class
1. Whom did Saul ask to pardon his sin? 1 Samuel 15.
2. If he truly wanted forgiveness, to whom should he have confessed his transgression? Psalm 32.
3. Should we as Christians confess our sins? I John.
4. Since Saul’s actions proved his rejection of the Lord, how did the Lord reject Saul? I Samuel.
5. Does anyone ever escape if he refuses Him that speaketh from Heaven? Hebrews 12.
6. What was the fate of Agog even though he approached Samuel delicately? I Samuel.
7. Are “woes” pronounced against those that seek to cover their iniquities with a righteous appearance? Matthew 23.