Bible Lessons.

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Numbers 25.
IF you have a map of Palestine you can find the place where the children of Israel now were. They had come near the Dead Sea, and were encamped in the level place noted for its acacia trees, not far from the Jordan River. But a short distance separated the people from the promised land; their forty-year journey was almost ended.
Yet they were not safe from Satan’s attacks, and the wicked prophet Balaam suggested a plan to Balak that drew the people away from God in sin upon sin. Was it self confidence that brought this on them? Were they, being now sure of having the home-land God had promised them (for they must have seen its hills beyond the river) grown careless about ways that were pleasing to God?
The first wrong step was in an evil association with the wicked people of the country; and the second was adopting their false gods. Of course they went from bad to worse, even joining these enemies of God in everything, and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel. The world may go on to a certain extent as it chooses, but when the children of God turn away from Him, He will not leave them without a dealing of some kind to bring them back.
So all that had joined in fully with the unconverted world, adopting its ways, that sooner or later must bring on the judgment of God, were now to be put to death. One of the leaders of Israel, Zimri, son of a prince of a chief house among the Simeonites, sets an example worse than the rest; and a priest, Phinehas by name, jealous for God’s honor, kills him and the Midianite woman with him, but 24,000 died under a plague God had sent into the camp.
The great lesson of this chapter for the Christian is to be true to God, and not make friends with the world, for “the friendship of the world is enmity with God.” (James 4:4).
ML 05/18/1924