Bible Challenger: 2003 - (j)

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
The first letters of the following responses reveal the inceptive foundation to which should be added virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and finally charity, in order that we be neither barren nor unfruitful. [1] The number in brackets indicates the number of words in the answer.
1. One who trembled when issues of righteousness, temperance and judgment to come were brought before him, yet had no apparent change of heart. [1]
2. A particular class of believers who are exhorted to be sober, grave, temperate, and sound in faith, in charity and in patience. [2]
3. A man striving for mastery is temperate in all things, in order that he might obtain a corruptible crown. On the other hand, what sort of crown does a believer have to gain? [1]
4. What period of life is spoken of as being sufficient to have walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revelings, banquetings and abominable idolatries, giving the remaining time to the will of God? [2]
5. In contrast to being drunk with wine, wherein is excess, believers should rather be filled with the Spirit, singing and making melody to the Lord. Where does this praise commence? [1]