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THE VILLAGE of Born Jesus in Brazil years ago was anything but what its name might suggest. Actually it was a most unholy place, and being far from any city, it was also very lawless.
In that village there lived a young boy named Bemvindo, which means “Welcome.” Bemvindo grew to be a short, though powerfully built young man, strong of arm, naturally courageous, and very ready with his weapons. He had spent some time in prison for knifing an enemy, and was generally considered in those parts as a “man of respect.”
It happened that one day two Brazilian preachers visited the village hoping to preach the gospel there, but at first they could find no one willing to let them have a house or a room for a meeting. In fact twelve men, having heard of their intention, vowed that the gospel should never be preached in their village, and swore to kill any preacher and break up any meeting.
The news of their intention reached the ears of Bemvindo, and out of bravado he opened his house to the preachers. Then he invited his neighbors, including those twelve men, to come and hear the gospel. At the appointed hour they all came, and so did the twelve men. These found Bemvindo waiting to welcome them. He was on his doorstep, armed with rifle, revolvers, and knife. He invited them up with the threat that if any of them mounted the steps to the house, he would shoot them quite dead. The “twelve” held a council meeting outside, to discuss so delicate and important a matter. Their discussion took so long that the meeting inside went on and was finished, before they had come to any decision as to what course they should take under the circumstances.
Further meetings followed and at last the twelve decided that their cause was hopeless. The gospel had come to stay. Bemvindo therefore had no longer any need to stand guard, so he attended the meetings himself. His heart was opened to receive the blessed message of the gospel, how that God so loved poor sinners like himself that He sent His only begotten Son into the world to die upon the cross for sin. Now whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Bemvindo believed and was soundly converted. So were many more. He became a faithful follower of Christ, married into a nice Christian family, and often did they entertain the gospel preachers who visited their village.