Before Him in Love

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
Luke 15; Eph. 1, 2; 1 John 1
My Father and my God!
Joy, life eternal, I “today” begin!
Thou sawest me, afar from Thine abode;
Thou hadst compassion, Thou hast brought me in,
‘Tis one complete surprise,—
Since I, all guilty, desolate, undone,—
Came to myself, and said, “I will arise,”
And groaned “Unworthy to be called Thy son.”
Wrapt to my Father’s heart,
I felt His kiss, ere I could speak my shame:
‘Twas love wrought out its own amazing part:
He ran; my dread, my distance, He o’ercame.
Thou didst command the robe;
Didst tell Thy servants to bring forth “the best;”
The ring, the shoes,—Thy gifts upon the road,
Prepared me, home returning, for Thy rest.
Oh, it is holy ground!
Naught that defiles can ever touch me more,
Thy lost one, once the prodigal, is FOUND.
My dark distrust, the famine time, is o’er.
Now is the banquet spread;
The fatted calf, reserved for me, is killed.
I, perishing erewhile for lack of bread,
Sit at Thy feast: my cup by Thee o’erfilled.
Thy very heaven I share,
Where sons, at home, made glad in Thy delight,
With music and with dancing, now declare,
Thee, in Thy grace, Thy glory. LOVE and LIGHT!