August 25

Romans 12:2
“Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God”— Romans 12:2.
THERE are times when we are all called upon to take a definite stand for God and His truth, no matter what the consequences. We are forbidden to conform to the spirit of the age but are commanded to be transformed by the renewing of our minds that, knowing God’s perfect will we may walk in it. Satan pleads for amalgamation. The Bible calls for separation. The world would seek to destroy those who witness against its evil works, even as it sought to destroy our blessed Lord. But he who refuses to bow to Baal and stands for God, even though he has to stand alone, can never be destroyed. Death itself will but open the way into the throne-chamber of the King.
As we scan the pages of Holy Writ we can see how the non-conformists of the past were made to triumph over all their vindictive foes. Abel was slain, but he being dead yet speaketh. Noah refused to go with the men of his day in their rebellion against God, but was saved through the flood when all others, save his own family, perished. None ever loses who sides with God.
“Th’ accursed tree was the reward
Which this sad world did give
To Him who gave His precious life
That this lost world might live.
And has this world a charm for us,
Where Jesus suffered thus?
No we have died to all its charms,
Through Jamie wondrous cross.
Farewell, farewell, poor faithless world,
With all Thy boasted store;
We’d not have joy where HE had woe—
Be rich where HE. was poor.”
—W. Trotter.