August 19

Romans 7:9
“I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died” ―Romans 7:9.
PAUL tells us that so far as his outward life was concerned before his conversion, he walked in obedience to the requirements of the law, so that as “touching the righteousness which is in the law” he was blameless. The one commandment which made him realize the sinfulness of his own heart was the Tenth—and no one could know by observing his behavior that he was guilty of violating it. He was alive, in the sense that he did not realize he was under sentence of death as a law-violator. But when awakened to see how this commandment applied, he knew that he was, so far as the law was concerned, a dead man (Rom. 7:9-11). Surely, every honest person must make the same acknowledgment. Which of us has not known lust in some form or another? The fact is, it is absolutely impossible for the natural man to keep this law. Ever since the Fall, men have been drawn away of their own lusts and enticed, and from this all manner of sin springs (James 1:14,15).
“In vain we seek for peace with God
By methods of our own:
Nothing, O Saviour, but Thy blood
Can bring us near the throne
The threatening’s of the broken law
Impress the soul with dread:
If God His sword of vengeance draw,
It strikes the spirit dead.
But Thine illustrious sacrifice
Hath answered these demands;
And peace and pardon from the skies
Are offered by Thy hands.
‘Tis by Thy death we live, O Lord!
‘Tis on Thy cross we rest:
Forever be Thy love adored,
Thy name forever blessed.”
—Isaac Watts.