
Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:

(eastern). Only in N. T., and then with reference to Asia Minor, or even to western Asia Minor, with the capital at Ephesus (Acts 2:9; 6:9; 16:6; 1 Cor. 16:19).

Concise Bible Dictionary:

This term in the New Testament does not refer to the portion of the earth now called Asia, nor does it include the whole of Asia Minor; but applies simply to the western part of Asia Minor, which was bequeathed to Rome by Attalus III. Philometor, king of Pergamus or king of Asia, B.C. 133. The province, with Ephesus as its capital, included Caria, Lydia, and Mysia, which were anciently called Doris, Ionia, and AEolis. It was governed by a proconsul. In Acts 2:9-10 “Asia” does not include Cappadocia, Pontus, Phrygia, and Pamphylia, which are all included in Asia Minor. Again, in Acts 16:6, Phrygia and Galatia are distinct from Asia (see also 1 Peter 1:1). It will be seen in the map that all the seven churches of Asia, mentioned in the Revelation, are in the above named district. As Paul labored in other parts of Asia Minor, and there being frequent intercourse between the various places and Ephesus, it may be that a wider area is in some passages referred to as “Asia,” as in Acts 19:10, 26-27.
Asia Minor Compared to Texas

Strong’s Dictionary of Greek Words:

of uncertain derivation; Asia, i.e. Asia Minor, or (usually) only its western shore
KJV Usage:

Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:

slime: mire

Potts’ Bible Proper Names:

Middle; full of mud; Orient; the East; aurora:―Asia Minor, Acts 2:9. {Medium}