Answers to the Questions

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As soon as sin came in, God told the serpent that the woman's Seed would bruise his head, although he would bruise the heel of the coming One. See Gen. 3:15.
"Soon as the reign of sin began,
The light of mercy dawned on man,
When God announced the blessed news,
`The woman's seed thy head shall bruise.' "
The enemy is called "the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan." Rev. 20:2.
When the prophet Isaiah told King Ahaz to ask for a sign from God, and he refused to do so, under the pretext of piety, Isaiah, speaking by the Spirit said: "Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." Isa. 7:14. Then when Ahaz refused to ask a sign regarding an event to come in the very near future, God used the occasion to give the sign of the coming Seed of the woman. And this Son to be born was to be God Himself—"Immanuel," meaning, "God [dwelling] with us." He was the One to overcome Satan and bruise his head. He is the "stronger" One who bound the strong man, and overcame him by going down into death and rising again. Now He has taken from him his armor wherein he trusted. He came forth the victor over death and now has the keys of death. See Matt. 12:29; Luke 11:21, 22; Rev. 1:18.