Answers to Correspondents: Believers Failing; Quickened Souls; The Preaching of the Gospel?

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Q.-The Holy Ghost being the power in the believer for holiness, etc., do believers fail because God does not work in them? or because they fail to walk in the spirit?
ANS.-The Holy Ghost ever abiding in the believer in virtue of the "blood of sprinkling," God never ceases to work in the believer, though it may be only in making the person unhappy and restless, a groan being the only witness of the Spirit's presence, it may be. In the end this leads to restoration through confession. The Spirit's working is the answer to the advocacy of Christ with the Father. The occasion of advocacy is sin,—" if any man sin we have an advocate," etc., (1 John 3:2,) and Christ's advocacy for the failing saint never ceases. Believers fail because they grieve the Spirit inwardly, and then comes walking in the flesh instead of in the Spirit. The promise is "walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh; " but "grieve not that Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption," goes deeper, and touches the spring in the heart that leads to walk.
Q.—Is a quickened soul born again? and has that soul eternal life, though perhaps no peace?
ANS.-Every quickened soul is born again, and to be born again, is eternal lire. "You hath He quickened who were dead in trespasses,"(Eph. 2:1.) and "whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ, is born of God." (1st John 5:1,) and "this is life eternal to know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent." (John 16:3.) Life comes from believing in the person of the Son of God, and the first effect of life is trouble in the conscience about sins; then peace comes through seeing the finished work of Christ on the cross; " He has made peace by the blood of His cross." A dead soul wants a living Christ to quicken him; an anxious soul wants a dead Christ in order to peace.
Q.—Is it not always through the word of God souls are quickened?
ANS.-The word of God in the power of the Spirit is the agent that quickens in all cases. Souls are " born of water, (i,e. the word, see Eph. 5:26,) and of the spirit."
(John 3:5.) Of His own will begat He us with the word of truth," (James 1:18,) " being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God."(Pet, 1:23.)
Q.—The preaching of the Gospel, is it preaching peace? or is it preaching forgiveness and righteousness?
ANS.-There is no such things in scripture as preaching life. Christ is preached, and this produces life, where Ile is believed on. Salvation and forgiveness of sins are the prominent things set before the soul in the preaching of the Gospel. In Mark, it it salvation, "he that believeth shall be saved, and he that believeth not shall be damned. In Luke, it is forgiveness of sins, this latter being connected with repentance, as part of that which is to be preached,-" that repentance and remissions should be preached in His name among all nations." In the Acts, where the practical work of the Holy Spirit in dealing with souls by the Gospel, comes before us, it begins with repentance and forgiveness of sins. (Acts 2. 3.) Then we have salvation,-" none other name given among men whereby they must be saved." (Acts 4:12.) Jesus " exalted to be a Prince and Savior, for to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins " is Peter's theme in Acts 5:31. To the Gentiles, in Acts 10, he speaks of God "preaching peace by Jesus Christ," and "that to Him give all the prophets witness, that through His name whosoever believeth in Him shall receive the forgiveness of sins." Paul presents the Gospel very simply and fully to the Jews in Acts 13:38,40, putting before them forgiveness of sins and justification as the immediate effect of believing on the man Christ Jesus, whom God had raised from the dead to be His "Salvation to the ends of the earth." From these scriptures, and others might be adduced, it seems clear, that to preach forgiveness of sins and justification, with salvation, in the name of Jesus, is specially the Evangelist's work.