All the Way My Saviour Leads Me

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
ALL the way my Saviour leads me,
Be the path whate'er it may;
Comfort every step He gives me,
Daily He's my strength and stay.
Every step is strewn with mercies,
Faithful is my trusted Guide,
Guarding me each day from evil;
He is ever by my side.
In the midst of sorest trials
Joyful may my spirit be,
Knowing that whate'er befalls me
Love, His love will follow me.
Moving through a scene of trial
'Neath His canopy of love,
On to scenes of brightest glory,
Precious home prepared above.
Quietly I'd wait that moment
Resting on His loving breast,
Sounding forth the gospel message
Till I enter into rest.
Underneath His arms support me,
Vain for me to be afraid,
Waiting, watching for His coming,
Xtra grace in times of need.
Yet I would, while here abiding,
Zealous for my Master be.