"All I Have Left"

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
A LITTLE boy found joy and peace in believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, and then sought to win others for his Savior.
His father forbade him ever to enter the mission school where he had heard the simple gospel which had given him rest and gladness. He knew that he, as a child, ought to be obedient to his father, and said to him, “Father, I will obey.”
The boy kept his word; but it was observed that every morning and evening he went away, and stayed for some time alone.
His father, followed him on one occasion, and found him under a clump of trees, reading his much-loved Bible.
Rushing forward, the father said, “Why, this is as bad as going to the school. Give me that book.”
“Father,” he replied, bursting into tears, “it’s all I have left.”
The parent’s heart was touched by the earnestness of his child, and he wept with him, and gave him permission to return to the school, and to read his Bible without fear.
Is the Word of God precious to you, dear young reader? Have you found it a joy to your heart, and food to your soul?
To the Psalmist it was better than thousands of gold and silver, sweeter than honey and the honeycomb. To the little boy, it was all he had—his all—when he was no longer allowed to hear the gospel preached.
What is the Word of God to you, my dear reader?
“Blessed are they that keep His testimonies, and that seek Him with the whole heart.” Psa. 119:22Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart. (Psalm 119:2).