Addresses by Jim Hyland

Table of Contents

1. Assembly Meetings
2. God's Will in Our Lives
3. The Lord's Table and Supper
4. A Debt Forgiven
5. Capsized
6. Christ on the Cross
7. Comparing Ourselves
8. Frozen to the Boat
9. Jumbo the Elephant
10. No True Atheists
11. Ten Cents
12. What Must I Do to Be Saved?

Assembly Meetings

Burbank Conference, 12-25-2010

God's Will in Our Lives

Isaiah 53:6, 1 Timothy 2:3-4
St. Louis Conference, 2006

The Lord's Table and Supper

A Debt Forgiven

An Extract


An Extract

Christ on the Cross

An Extract

Comparing Ourselves

An Extract

Frozen to the Boat

An Extract

Jumbo the Elephant

An Extract

No True Atheists

An Extract

Ten Cents

An Extract

What Must I Do to Be Saved?