Abbott's Hill and Principles; Division; Party Against Evil Not Countenanced; Avoiding Party Action; Patience

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As regards division, I am as decided as possible.... I wrote that I would no more go with a party against evil than with the evil itself, and quoted Isa. 8:12, 13. I knew before I left for France, but found it much more forward than I was aware of when I returned. I do not believe it is either faith or godliness. I am pretty well aware of the springs which have moved in it. It would be still a question whether God was going to set aside the brethren: if He does, certainly I should not go with any party in it. I have long felt that this party that assumes to be the godly one is the one to be feared. They are tried with evil, I admit, but this is not faith.... Suffice it to say, with no party action will I have anything to do save to reject it. But the conclusion come to at Cheapside favored no such action.
Dublin, July lat.