Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(destroyer). King of the locusts, and angel of the bottomless pit. The Greek equivalent is Apollyon (Rev. 9:11).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
In Revelation 9:11 This name is shown to be the same as Apollyon, “the destroyer,” who is described as “the angel of the bottomless pit.” Perhaps it is not so much one of the names of Satan, as his character personified. It occurs six times in the Old Testament, in three of which it is associated with hell (sheol) (Job 26:6; Prov. 15:11; Prov. 27:20); once with death: “Destruction and Death say” (Job 28:22); and once with the grave (Psa. 88:11). In all these passages, and in Job 31:12, it is translated “destruction.”
Strong’s Dictionary of Greek Words:
of Hebrew origin (11); a destroying angel
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
Complete destruction;.a destroying angel:―the bottomless pit, Hades [APOLLYON], Rev. 9:11. {Exitium absolutum}