A Word About Faith.

FAITH is just believing what God says, because God speaks. If your father tells you that he will do this or that, you believe him, because you know he speaks the truth. When anyone does not believe God’s word, it is clear he does not believe God, who speaks the word. We know who God is by His word. It is written, “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” You could not please your parents, whatever you did, if you did not believe them. Faith in God is of the first importance for us all.
Without faith, prayer is but a string of words. Suppose you wanted something very much which your father could give you, and you waited to ask for it until he was a mile off, and could not hear you speak. That would not be faith in your father, and your request would be worth nothing. Now God is ever near us, and always knows what our hearts think or say; but, if we pray to God as if we did not believe He heard us, faith in our God is afar off. Remember God is very near you―He knows all your heart says― and, therefore, speak to God simply and believingly, even as you would to a tender parent, into whose face you rejoice to look up. Dear Christian children, tell God everything; for though you cannot see Him, yet He speaks to your hearts, as you speak to Him.