A Talk at the Door

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 2
Knock, knock.
Who is it?
Hi! Just visiting in your neighborhood. May I ask you a spiritual question?
Guess you could, but I’m an atheist. There is no God. So why bother?
Interesting! You know for sure that there is no God? On what evidence?
Well, what I mean is, I don’t think there is a God. I don’t believe there is. Who can know?
Oh, I see; you don’t know if there is a God. Well, that makes you an agnostic.
I’m an agnostic then.
What kind?
How many kinds are there?
Two kinds. The first one says you can’t know if there is a God; in fact, you can’t know anything for sure.
Hey, that would be me. Nobody can know anything for sure.
Really? How do you know that?
Know what?
How do you know for sure that nobody can know anything for sure?
Ah, I see. That was dumb of me. I guess I’m the other kind of agnostic. What is it?
The second kind doesn’t know if there is a God because he has never seen evidence for God.
Well that’s me, I suppose. I’ve never seen the evidence. Is there evidence for God?
Of course there is. And some people are afraid of finding it. Could be their conduct makes them afraid to look. They just hope there is no God and no evidence for Him. It’s like hoping the doctor can’t see the threatening spots on your lungs in the X-ray because you have a busy schedule. As you know, wishful thinking can’t make the evidence go away.
I see where you’re going with this. What do you want to say?
I would want you to start reading your Bible. Start in John, the fourth book of the New Testament. It’s written for people who want to read the evidence. The Bible is a bit like the doctor’s X-ray, and it may point out a few things about yourself that you’d rather not know. But it seems you’re the type who does want to know the truth. Thankfully, it also will show you the remedy for your shortcomings.
The Bible says, “These are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through His name” (John 20:31).