A Searching Question

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
"They are not of the world, even as
I am not of the world.”
Where is Christ now? He has gone up to heaven and is seated there, out of the world; by "the world" I do not mean only the earth, but also the system set up by Satan all around us now. How much did Christ honor that? The only thing He found in it was a people that were to be born of God and brought out of it, linked to Himself. Are you, too, out of the world with Him? Have you a range of life outside things down here in the world but not of it, even as He was not?
What I really have is just the life of that one Person in whom is all God's delight.
It is a blessed thing to feel, as those to whom Christ has given the light of eternal life, that not only are all our springs in Him, but that the path of each one, however humble, may be marked by the spark of eternal life shining out the whole way.
If anyone asked me whether the believers I know are practically living the same life as Christ lived on the earth, what could I say? Has your walk and mine today been the walk of risen and ascended ones in Christ? Are we able to say that our life is practically the display of the life of Christ all the way?