A Question and Its Answer

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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“And she lighted off her ass; and Caleb said unto her, What wouldest thou?” (Joshua 15:18).
Questions and decisions. As we go on in life, it seems that things become more and more complex. Sometimes there seem to be more questions than answers, and we have to learn to stand on our own two feet. But this woman’s faith was real, and when her father asks a question of her, she was ready to face things with discernment, discretion, and prudence. Her father in recognizing these qualities, now asks her what she desires, and her answer must have thrilled his heart.
“Who answered, Give me a blessing” (Joshua 15:19).
What an answer! She didn’t just desire something for self-gratification, or with a selfish motive, but a blessing! If our fathers asked us what we wanted most, what would our answer be?
Here is an interesting statement: “Today’s poor choices are a down payment on tomorrow’s problems.” Everything we choose and do has a consequence. Perhaps not right away, but at some point there will be an effect, either for good, or for bad. What we sow today we will reap tomorrow...or at some point in the future. That’s why it is good to learn, while we are young, to make our choices in the “fear of the Lord,” and in obedience to His Word, and not just for present advantage.
Do we desire a blessing,
That will eternally last?
Or are we seeking some folly,
That which will quickly be past?
This world’s joys will be over,
But in a moment at best;
Heaven’s riches forever endure,
In these, we then need to invest.