A Heavenly Vision

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
(Rev. 4, 5, and 19)
(Tune “Onward, Christian Soldiers”)
Light, and Love, and Worship
Fill you Holy Place;
Countless hosts of angels
Fall before His face;
Cherubim and Seraphim..
Loud their anthems rake,
Elders,... Living Creatures,
Chant Jehovah’s praise!
Worthy, worthy, worthy,
Is the Lamb once slain,
All Creation joining
In the sweet refrain.
Heaven’s vaults are ringing
With the seraphs’ song,
Glory, honour, power, Lord, to Thee belong!
Hark! those Living Creatures
Rest not day or night,
Holy, Holy, Holy, Sing they with delight:—
Elders rise and worship him Who once was slain;
“Thou alone art worthy,”
Is their ceaseless strain.
Countless eyes are gazing
On the great “I Am”;
Countless tongues proclaiming
Glory to the Lamb:
From all nations gather’d,
They to God belong;
“Kings and Priests” He’s made them,
This their glad “New Song”:—
“Thou alone art worthy,
Thou for us wast slain,
By Thy Blood redeemed,”
Is their sweet refrain.
Hush!... the moment cometh!
Of supreme delight;
See the Bride adorning,
In that Glory bright:
‘Tis the marriage morning
Of the Bridegroom’s joy;
Day of His own gladness,
Bliss without alloy!
In His joy rejoicing,
Countless millions sing,
Honor give to Jesus,
Saviour, Lord, and King.
Radiant, in His beauty,
Blameless in His sight;
Without spot, and holy,
Robed in purest white:
Hark! those Hallelujahs
Loud as thunders roll,
Through those courts of glory,
From each ransomed soul.
In the Lamb rejoicing,
Countless millions sing,
Honor give to Jesus,
Saviour, Lord, and King.
S. T.