A Friend for Little Children

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
There’s a Friend for little children,
Above the bright blue sky—
A Friend who never changes,
Whose love can never die.
Unlike our friends by nature,
Who change with changing years,
This Friend is always worthy,
The precious name He bears.
There’s a rest for little children,
Above the bright blue sky;
Who love the blessed Saviour,
And “Abba, Father,” cry;
A rest from every turmoil,
From sin and danger free;
Where every little pilgrim,
Shall rest eternally.
There’s a home for little children,
Above the bright blue sky;
Where Jesus reigns in glory,
A home of peace and joy.
No home on earth is like it,
Or can with it compare;
For every one is happy,
Nor could be happier there.