A Folded Lamb.

Listen from:
March 25, 1902.
Dear Brother Hutt:—
Last month, my two youngest children began to find the answers to the Questions. Annie, the youngest, aged nine years this month, had them all written out when she took sick, and during her sickness she would say, “I am glad I have my Questions done.” The Lord took her Home on Thursday, the 20th., after a short illness. She was a believer, and a few moments before she passed away she told her papa not to cry, for he knew where she was going. She was quite sensible to the last moment and very patient. She loved singing hymns, and the one she wanted most when she was sick was, No. 42 in the Appendix of “Hymns for the Little Flock” Hymn Book.
Just a few minutes before she passed away she said, “Oh, I loved that hymn on Saturday night!” Meaning hymn 42 which was sung for her at that time. We would have liked to keep her, but the Lord’s will be done, He doeth all things well.
Yours in the Beloved,
Mrs. C. McL.
ML 06/01/1902