A Contrast.

A CHRISTIAN, who saw a woman of sixty-four years of age die, was describing the sadness of the scene. Shortly before her death, her friend had asked her where she would spend eternity, and she replied that she did not know. Her friend pleaded with her, telling her of the love of Jesus, and how He waited to grant her salvation; that God demanded no good works from her; indeed, that there was nothing to do, but only to believe on the Son of God, who died to save sinners from their sins. But the sufferer made no response, and soon after passed away, leaving no hope that she had received Jesus as her Saviour.
In striking contrast with the above, was the death-bed of one who lately fell asleep. When asked, if she knew Jesus, she replied, “Yes, I love Him so much.”
“Why do you love the Lord?” I asked. “I love Him because He first loved me. I am trusting Jesus as my only Saviour.”
She knew that peace had been made for her through the blood of the cross, and that the Lord had washed her from her sins in His own blood. The only burden on her heart was her anxiety about her unsaved husband and her children, and she often pleaded with her Lord for their salvation. She passed away, after much suffering, rejoicing in Christ, her Saviour.
Dear reader, if God saw fit to place you on a dying bed, are you ready to depart, knowing that it is far better to be with Christ, or would you, like the woman of whom I first told you, leave this world not knowing where you would spend the never-ending eternity? J. S―N.