“G. N. L.” Your communication was mislaid, else it should have received an earlier notice. Pray excuse the seeming neglect. We believe it is the same gospel which is referred to in the various passages to which you call our attention; but the Spirit never varies His mode in designating the gospel, without, as we believe, having some specific object in view. Whether we are able to discern and define the object in each passage is, of course, another thing. It would require an entire number to unfold the meaning of the expressions in those four passages which you quote. In general, we may remark that the term made use of in any particular passage gives the leading characteristic thought in the mind of the inspired writer. Thus, for example, in the expression, “The gospel of the grace of God,” grace would be the leading thought. In “the gospel of the glory of Christ,” glory would be the prominent idea. So also, in the expression, “Gospel of God,” or, “Gospel of Christ;” in the former, the object is to bring God prominently before the soul; in the latter, Christ.