Articles on

1 Chronicles 13

1 Cr. 13:3 KJV (With Strong’s)

And let us bring ζagain
cabab (Hebrew #5437)
to revolve, surround, or border; used in various applications, literally and figuratively (as follows)
KJV usage: bring, cast, fetch, lead, make, walk, X whirl, X round about, be about on every side, apply, avoid, beset (about), besiege, bring again, carry (about), change, cause to come about, X circuit, (fetch a) compass (about, round), drive, environ, X on every side, beset (close, come, compass, go, stand) round about, inclose, remove, return, set, sit down, turn (self) (about, aside, away, back).
Pronounce: saw-bab'
Origin: a primitive root
the ark
'arown (Hebrew #727)
from 717 (in the sense of gathering); a box
KJV usage: ark, chest, coffin.
Pronounce: aw-rone'
Origin: or laron {aw-rone'}
of our God
'elohiym (Hebrew #430)
gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative
KJV usage: angels, X exceeding, God (gods)(-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.
Pronounce: el-o-heem'
Origin: plural of 433
to us: fork we inquired
darash (Hebrew #1875)
properly, to tread or frequent; usually to follow (for pursuit or search); by implication, to seek or ask; specifically to worship
KJV usage: ask, X at all, care for, X diligently, inquire, make inquisition, (necro-)mancer, question, require, search, seek (for, out), X surely.
Pronounce: daw-rash'
Origin: a primitive root
not at it in the days
yowm (Hebrew #3117)
a day (as the warm hours), whether literal (from sunrise to sunset, or from one sunset to the next), or figurative (a space of time defined by an associated term), (often used adverb)
KJV usage: age, + always, + chronicals, continually(-ance), daily, ((birth-), each, to) day, (now a, two) days (agone), + elder, X end, + evening, + (for) ever(-lasting, -more), X full, life, as (so) long as (... live), (even) now, + old, + outlived, + perpetually, presently, + remaineth, X required, season, X since, space, then, (process of) time, + as at other times, + in trouble, weather, (as) when, (a, the, within a) while (that), X whole (+ age), (full) year(-ly), + younger.
Pronounce: yome
Origin: from an unused root meaning to be hot
of Saul
Sha'uwl (Hebrew #7586)
asked; Shaul, the name of an Edomite and two Israelites
KJV usage: Saul, Shaul.
Pronounce: shaw-ool'
Origin: passive participle of 7592

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Ministry on This Verse

bring again.
Heb. bring about.
the ark.
we enquired.
1 S. 14:18,36• 18Y Saúl dijo á Achîas: Trae el arca de Dios. Porque el arca de Dios estaba entonces con los hijos de Israel.
36Y dijo Saúl: Descendamos de noche contra los Filisteos, y los saquearemos hasta la mañana, y no dejaremos de ellos ninguno. Y ellos dijeron: Haz lo que bien te pareciere. Dijo luego el sacerdote: Lleguémonos aquí á Dios.
(1 S. 14:18,36)
1 S. 22:10,15• 10El cual consultó por él á Jehová, y dióle provisión, y también le dió la espada de Goliath el Filisteo.
15¿He comenzado yo desde hoy á consultar por él á Dios? lejos sea de mí: no impute el rey cosa alguna á su siervo, ni á toda la casa de mi padre; porque tu siervo ninguna cosa sabe de este negocio, grande ni chica.
(1 S. 22:10,15)
1 S. 23:2,9‑12• 2Y David consultó á Jehová, diciendo: ¿Iré á herir á estos Filisteos? Y Jehová respondió á David: Ve, hiere á los Filisteos, y libra á Keila.
9Mas entendiendo David que Saúl ideaba el mal contra él, dijo á Abiathar sacerdote: Trae el ephod.
10Y dijo David: Jehová Dios de Israel, tu siervo tiene entendido que Saúl trata de venir contra Keila, á destruir la ciudad por causa mía.
11¿Me entregarán los vecinos de Keila en sus manos? ¿descenderá Saúl, como tu siervo tiene oído? Jehová Dios de Israel, ruégote que lo declares á tu siervo. Y Jehová dijo: Sí, descenderá.
12Dijo luego David: ¿Me entregarán los vecinos de Keila á mí y á mis hombres en manos de Saúl? Y Jehová respondió: Te entregarán.
(1 S. 23:2,9‑12)
 How completely the ark had been forgotten under the preceding reign! From the time of its return from the hands of the Philistines, it surfaces only to demonstrate how little Saul had esteemed it (1 Sam. 14:18-19). (The Ark and the New Cart: 1 Chronicles 13 by H.L. Rossier)

J. N. Darby Translation

and let us bring again the ark of our God to us; for we inquired not of it in the days of Saul.