Have You Tried It?

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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Jack was curled up in the “big chair” with one long leg hanging over the arm. He was trying to read, but, though his eyes were on the page he was really listening to a conversation across the room.
Mother was telling a young girl who was troubled and wanted to be saved, how she herself had been saved when she was nine years old. Her mother had died two years before, and seeing no one seemed to be interested, she and her little sister decided to find a Sunday school themselves to go to. One day, after having tried several, they found one that seemed more interesting than the others.
They were placed in a class with a teacher who knew the Lord Jesus and loved to tell boys and girls how much He had loved them. Mother's little heart felt warm as she listened, and one night she knelt by her bedside and told the Lord Jesus just how she felt. She thanked Him for dying for her sin, and told Him that she was receiving Him as her Savior.
“And Helen,” Mother continued to her visitor, “you know what the Lord Jesus has done for you, He died for all the sin and wickedness in your heart. Why don't you do just as I did when I was a little girl? Kneel by your bed when you go home and just talk it all over with Him, and tell Him that you will receive Him as your Savior. Remember that He has said, ‘Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out’” (John 6:37).
Several nights later as Jack was praying before bedtime his mother heard him thanking the Lord for saving him. When he was through she asked eagerly, “Jack, are you saved? I heard you thanking the Lord for saving you!”
“Yes, Mother, I'm saved now!” answered Jack. “When did it happen?” Mother wanted to know.
“Well, when you were talking to Helen the other day I heard you tell her to just go home and do as you did when you were little. To just talk to the Lord and thank Him for dying for her, and to tell Him that she was going to receive Him as her Savior. Well, I wasn't sure if I was saved or not, but I wanted to be. So that night before I went to bed I tried it myself. And, Mother, it worked!”
“As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name” (John 1:12).